Retirement villages
New Zealanders are living longer and obtaining the best advice in the aged care sector is more important than ever.
We can tackle complex aged care and retirement village issues, taking the stress out of difficult situations you may face, and working with our clients to provide sensible solutions. We would love to assist you, whether you operate a retirement village or are looking to purchase a unit within a rest home to live in yourself.
We have significant expertise assisting retirement village operators with advice on:
The creation, registration and on-going administration of villages for retirement village operators
The preparation of Occupational Rights Agreements
The purchase and sale of aged care facilities including the sale of retiremnt villages and rest homes
Ongoing advice to owners and operators, residents and other stakeholders
We act for a range of aged care providers and retirement villages both within and outside of Christchurch. We have the expertise and knowledge to help you achieve your goals.