Legal guidance on workplace privacy and data protection
Privacy and information law is something that regularly impacts on everyone. The right to privacy is one that must be balanced with other competing rights, interests and obligations.
Expertise in Workplace Privacy Law
Privacy and information law is something that regularly impacts on everyone. The right to privacy is one that must be balanced with other competing rights, interests and obligations.
The Privacy Act
The Privacy Act covers all personal information (information about an identifiable individual) that is collected, held or used by individuals and organisations in New Zealand. This means that the provisions of the Privacy Act impact on everyone on a regular basis. However, despite this, the provisions of the Privacy Act are often misunderstood and misapplied which leaves individuals and organisations at risk.
Our expertise in these areas include:
Privacy Act - assisting our clients to understand their obligations under the Privacy Act and provide practical advice on compliance with it
Official Information – helping our clients to understand their rights to official information and assisting them with making claims for official information
Personal & health information - providing advice and representation for individuals and organisations in relation to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of personal and/or health information
Breach of privacy - providing advice and representation in relation to making or defending claims for breach of privacy, whether under the Privacy Act and associated legislation or based in tort
Our experts
Don’t hesitate to reach out to our local employment lawyers directly. If you’re not sure who is best to contact, reach out via our contact page.
Reach out for trusted legal support to ensure compliance and protection.