Cavell Leitch

Making a payment from overseas

Please contact us if you have any questions or difficulties making a payment.

Contact the accounts team

Trust account deposits

To make a payment directly to our trust account please deposit funds into our bank account below.

Cavell Leitch Limited Address

The BNZ Centre Level 3 111 Cashel Street Christchurch 8011 New Zealand

Bank of New Zealand Address:

111 Cashel Street Christchurch 8011 New Zealand

Our account details are:

Swift code BKNZNZ22
Bank of New Zealand
02 0865 0065073 003

Please include the following details:

Particulars - Client name

Code - 6 digit client number

Reference - Matter number

Your client number and matter number can be found on your invoice

Pay by credit card

We welcome payment of our legal fees by Credit Card by clicking the 'Pay online' button below. When making an online payment please enter your invoice number in the 'Reference Number' box.