Immigration ABC – Chapter 4
Work in New Zealand – Accredited Employer Work Visa
1 year ago
1 min read
The Accredited Employer Work Visa is the main temporary work visa in New Zealand. However, you are unable to apply for it without receiving a job offer from an accredited employer in New Zealand.
Under the Accredited Employer regime, New Zealand employers must follow a set of verification steps before they can employ an overseas worker. These steps include obtaining accreditation, advertising the role if needed, and applying for a job check.
Once the New Zealand employers complete all the required procedures and have approved job check applications for the potential vacancies, they can offer overseas candidates a job offer. With the job offer and approved job check application, overseas candidates can apply for their Accredited Employer Work Visa.
To apply for an Accredited Employer Work Visa, applicants are still required to meet the following requirements:
Qualifications and/or work experiences for the position, as well as the requirements set out in the job check application.
Health and Character requirements.
The duration of your Accredited Employer Work Visa depends on the terms of your employment and/or the remuneration received. If you receive full-time and permanent employment and are paid at or above the median wage, you may be granted a 5-year Accredited Employer Work Visa.
However, if you are paid less than the median wage (exemption applies) or are employed in an ANZSCO level 4 or 5 job, your total stay may be only 2 years. You will also be subject to a 4 to 12 months stand-down period. During the stand-down period, you must stay outside of New Zealand before you can apply for a further visa in an occupation that is paid below the median wage or occupation classified as ANZSCO level 4 or 5 job.
第四章:紐西蘭工作 認證僱主工作簽證
在僱主認證體系下,紐西蘭僱主必須獲得認證並完成相關手續,方可聘用海外員工。這些步驟包括獲得僱主認證、公開招聘相關職位,以及申請職位審查(Job Check)。
紐西蘭僱主一旦通過職位審查(Job Check),即可聘用海外員工。海外候選人獲得工作合同後,便可申請認證僱主工作簽證。
您的認證僱主工作簽證的長短取決於您的僱用條件和您的工資水平。如果您的工作合同是全職和永久性的,且工資達到或高於中位數水平,您將獲得3年的認證僱主工作簽證。從2023年11月27日起,如果您符合條件,INZ 將會延長您的認證僱主工作簽證的有效期,從3年延長至5年。
第四章:新西兰工作 认证雇主工作签证
在雇主认证体系下,新西兰雇主必须获得认证并完成相关手续,方可聘用海外员工。这些步骤包括获得雇主认证、公开招聘相关职位,以及申请职位审查(Job Check)。
新西兰雇主一旦通过职位审查(Job Check),即可聘用海外员工。海外候选人获得工作合同后,便可申请认证雇主工作签证。
您的认证雇主工作签证的长短取决于您的雇佣条件和您的工资水平。如果您的工作合同是全职和永久性的,且工资达到或高于中位数水平,您将获得3年的认证雇主工作签证。从2023年11月27日起,如果您符合条件, INZ将延长您的认证雇主工作签证有效期,从3年延长至5年。
Explore your accredited employer visa benefits with expert guidance.