Cavell Leitch
Our people

Peter Eastgate

Trusts & Estates - Principal​​

Peter is a nationally recognised expert in all aspects of trust law (including charitable trusts) as well as being a senior specialist in the area of Wills, estate and succession law, elder law, the law of attorney ship and asset protection.

He provides advice on complex estate and trust matters to clients throughout New Zealand and overseas, and to other professionals within the Canterbury area. He acts as a professional trustee for many clients and has been a Court appointed trustee for estates and trusts on a number of occasions.

A strong advocate of ongoing education within the legal and trust professions, for a number of years he was the New Zealand Legal Consultant at UWS College at the University of Western Sydney, supervising the trust and estate law teaching programme for New Zealand based students. Peter is a contributing editor on trust law with the legal publisher LexisNexis New Zealand Limited and has been a regular presenter at law conferences for many years.

"My personal objective is to work with clients to engage with them to the best of my ability, develop a strong professional relationship with them, and achieve the best outcome for them."

Peter is a member of the New Zealand Law Society, a senior member and registered trustee of the NZ Trustees Association, a member of the International Society of Trust & Estate Practitioners (STEP) and a fellow of the Executor and Trustee Institute (Australia).

Recent work

  • Appointed by the High Court to administer the complex estate of a person who died without a Will (“intestate”)

  • Instructed to provide independent expert advice in two unrelated cases where trust administration is in dispute (one involving High Court proceedings)

  • Reviews of a number of complex trust and succession planning structures

Talk to us about Wills, powers of attorney, asset planning, and more.

Your Trusts & Estates experts are here to help